Zebra OEM SE4750
Lectores Compactos
- Descodificación: 1D y 2D, imagen, documentos.
- Tamaño: 11,8 mm x 21,5 mm x 16,3 mm (alto x largo x ancho).
- Peso: 8,22 gramos.
- Tecnología PRZM.
- MIPI interfaz.
- Temperatura de funcionamiento: -30 °C a 60 °C.
- Garantía de 15 meses.
El modelo SE4750 de Zebra se posiciona como un lector de alto rendimiento que es capaz de capturar códigos 1D, 2D, fotos o documentos. Un todoterreno concebido para ser usado en el interior de multitud de terminales con una instalación rápida y sencilla.
Nos encontramos ante un generador de imagen polivalente que cubre casi todas las necesidades posibles en entornos industriales, médicos, líneas de producción, y zonas de almacenaje y distribución. El personal podrá capturar datos que estén a más de 92 cm con la configuración estándar, este alcance es ampliable.
Part Numbers
SE4750MR-IP100R | SE4750: Mid-Range Megapixel engine, Class 2 Laser Aim, Parallel Interface. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4750DP-IM100R | SE4750: DPM Megapixel engine, Class 2 Laser Aim, MIPI Interface. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4750DP-IP100R | SE4750: DPM Megapixel engine, Class 2 Laser Aim, Parallel Interface. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4757SR-I200R | SE4757: Decoded Standard Range Megapixel engine, Class 2 Laser Aim, Packaged with PL-3307A decoder board, Plastic Bracket. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4750MR-IM100R | SE4750: Mid-Range Megapixel engine, Class 2 Laser Aim, MIPI Interface. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4750SR-IM100R | SE4750: Standard Range Megapixel engine, Class 2 Laser Aim, MIPI Interface. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4750SR-LM100R | SE4750: Standard Range Megapixel engine, LED Aim, MIPI Interface. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4757SR-I300R | SE4757: Decoded Standard Range Megapixel engine, Class 2 Laser Aim, Packaged with PL-3307A decoder board, Metal Bracket. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4757SR-L200R | SE4757: Decoded Standard Range Megapixel engine, LED Aim, Packaged with PL-3307A decoder board, Plastic Bracket. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4757SR-L300R | SE4757: Decoded Standard Range Megapixel engine, LED Aim, Packaged with PL-3307A decoder board, Metal Bracket. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4757SR-I200R | SE4757: Decoded Standard Range Megapixel engine, Class 2 Laser Aim, Packaged with PL-3307A decoder board, Plastic Bracket. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4750SR-LP100R | SE4750: Standard Range Megapixel engine, LED Aim, Parallel Interface. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4750SR-IP100R | SE4750: Standard Range Megapixel engine, Class 2 Laser Aim, Parallel Interface. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |
SE4750DP-IP100R | SE4750: DPM Megapixel engine, Class 2 Laser Aim, Parallel Interface. Must be ordered in multiples of 10. |